New Ham Resources
Some info for the new ham to help you get started!
Hello New Ham! This is a short intro to help you get started in the ham radio world.
Frequency List - A list of frequencies based around the Glens Falls area.
Tech Band Chart - With your new Technician license you are authorized to talk on theses frequencies.
Repeater Etiquette -If you are going to talk on amateur radio repeaters read up on some repeater etiquette.
New Ham Survey -We want to hear from you. What are your interests as a new ham radio operator.
ARES INFO - Some info about the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. As a new ham you are welcome to join. Check out the ARES tab under served agencies for the registration form.
RACES INFO - We also encourage you to join the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service as well ARES.
If you just received or are looking to get your license hopefully these links will help you along. These are the included in the new ham packet we give out at our classes and tests.