Frank's Ham's Hands On How To Workshops
Looking to build an Antenna Launcher?
Please join us as we assist you in building an antenna launcher, to get your antennas launched up in the trees!
- DATE- Saturday October 7th
- TIME - 1PM
- WHERE - Warren County Municipal Center
1340 State Rt. 9.
Lake George, NY 12845
Please sign up so we know how many will be attending the class!
Please see parts list for what you need to bring prior to class!
Hope to see everyone there!
Antenna Launcher Parts Lists:
Please pay attention to the type of PVC you buy for this project! Check the ratings on the side, and make sure it will handle the amount of PSI you intend to use.
(Please note there are two different style antenna launchers we will be posting parts lists for! Pick which one you want to buy parts for and bring them to class!!)

Upcoming Elmer Class Topics:
November - Build a 3 Element 2 meter beam!
View Past Class Information Here!
Workshop ideas!
We need your workshop ideas! What do you think would make a great workshop. Please let us know so we can offer more terrific workshops.