September 2023 FLDigi Class Information
Looking to learn how to setup and use FLDigi/FLRig/FLMsg to your radio?
Please join us as we assist you in setting these up and learning the uses of them! Join us to get it right!
- DATE- Saturday September 16th
- TIME - 12PM
- WHERE - Online via Google Meet
Please sign up so we know how many will be attending the online session!
Please try to connect to Google Meet on the same computer that your radio is setup! That way you can share your settings if you need to! This will help us better get your radio working with your computer if we need to!
Hope to see everyone there!
PRIOR to class, please do the following:
Go to SourceForge (this is where the FLDigi/Rig/Msg project are hosted)
Download FLDigi/FLRig/FLMsg (3 separate files)
Install these 3 programs to your computer!
Hook the radio to the computer you just installed FLDigi/FLRig/FLMsg on. This step varies based on your radio! SignaLinks and Cat Control, or data cables will be required. Best place to find out how to hook your radio up is via Google/YouTube!
SourceForge also has XML files for certain radio types for easier rig setup! Google/YouTube will be your friend!
Upcoming Elmer Class Topics:
October 7th - Build an Antenna Launcher! (Parts list and more info coming soon!)
November - Build a 3 Element 2 meter beam!
View Past Class Information Here!
Workshop ideas!
We need your workshop ideas! What do you think would make a great workshop. Please let us know so we can offer more terrific workshops.